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Newbridge Community Celebrates Centennial in Style Road

North Bellmore students celebrating Newbridge Road Elementary School's 100th anniversary. thumbnail258017

One-room, two-room and eight-room wooden schoolhouses each served the educational needs of North Bellmore students for periods of time dating back to 1820, but it’s the present-day red-brick Newbridge Road Elementary School that has withstood the test of time. The community came out to celebrate its 100th anniversary on May 3, a festive day that included a parade, speeches, historical museum and dance party.

Built in 1924 with eight classrooms and an all-purpose room, it has been expanded multiple times to accommodate a growing population and pre-dates the district’s next oldest building by nearly a quarter-century. Principal Amanda Licci, the ninth leader in the school’s history, explained that Newbridge Road is much more than just a building.

“We are a community, not just a school building,” Ms. Licci said. “This school has been, and will remain a cornerstone in North Bellmore. It became clear that the mission and core values of those who came before us mirror our current mission and core values. It became clear that whatever it was, or how forever long it was, those people who have been part of Newbridge’s history, Newbridge’s community, have been deeply impacted by their experiences here.”

The celebration began with a parade from the front entrance to the rear blacktop, with all students and staff in their blue 100th anniversary shirts provided by the PTA. Prior to opening remarks, the school community formed a large “100.”

Superintendent Marie Testa, who attended Newbridge Road for kindergarten, spoke about the history of education in the North Bellmore, from that one-room schoolhouse in the center of town to “this magnificent building” that stands today.

“It’s almost as beautiful as the community that resides within it,” Ms. Testa said.

Board of Education Vice President Nina Lanci noted that several years ago, Newbridge Road School needed a refresh and one architect suggested tearing the building down and building new. Instead, the board found a different architect who shared their commitment to preserving and modernizing and important landmark in North Bellmore.

After the speeches, the fifth and sixth grade band performed a selection of songs, including “Happy Birthday,” under the direction of Dana Hirsch. Students and staff then went into the auditorium, where Ms. Licci introduced retired principals and teachers, as well as Newbridge Road alumni. There were former graduates from every decade from the 1940s to the 1990s. Students then watch a slideshow about the history of the school, created by technology teacher Michael Bevilacqua and narrated by Ms. Licci and third grade teachers Brenda Adragna and Lynda Brust.

The gymnasium was transformed into Centennial Hall, filled with pictures and artifacts. The Hall of Principals showcased all of the leaders of the school. Several tables had old equipment and technology that today’s students were completely unfamiliar with. There were then-and-now photos of alumni, a tribute to past and present staff, old student projects, and photos from the school’s 80th and 90th anniversary celebrations.

Each class had a chance to visit the hall, as well as the new centennial garden that was created on the front lawn by Mr. Bevilacqua and sixth grade students, featuring plants that are native to Long Island.

The celebration closed out with a decades dance party. Physical education teacher James Breslin put together a playlist with one song from each decade from the 1920s to the 2020s, and students and staff danced the afternoon away.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 5/6/2024