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Mission Statement

Our mission is to inspire all students to be confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity, while contributing to our global community with creativity and compassion.

1601 Newbridge Road
North Bellmore, NY 11710

Tel: (516) 992-3116

Fax: (516) 992-3214

Nurse: (516) 992-3215

Principal: Ms. Amanda Licci
Instagram: @nbrpride


Welcome to Newbridge Road Elementary School, established 1924. 

As you may know, 2024 has been an exciting year for the Newbridge Road Elementary School community. Our beautiful building has served this community for 100 years. This milestone was marked with a joyous Centennial Celebration in the spring of 2024. I was fortunate enough to be part of the momentous event. 

While uncovering the rich history of Newbridge Road School, it became clear that this school has been, and will remain, a cornerstone in North Bellmore. It became clear that the mission and core values of those who came before us mirror our current mission and core values. It became clear that whenever it was or for however long it was, those people who have been a part of Newbridge’s history and Newbridge’s community, have been deeply impacted by their experiences here. At Newbridge Road, we welcome all children and all families to our learning community so that they may grow and flourish together. 

Being part of the Newbridge Road School community means taking pride in who you are, where you come from, how you treat others, and what you represent; it means demonstrating Newbridge HEART at all times. At Newbridge Road School, we value Honesty, Empathy, Acceptance, Respect, and Teamwork. All members of our school community- parents, students, teachers, staff and administrators, aim to demonstrate HEART so that our community will continue to thrive for at least another 100 years.



Amanda Licci


Current News

Festival Band Delights Audience at BOE Meeting

North Bellmore School District Board of Education trustees, administrators and the public were treated to a musical delight. thumbnail264996

Before it was time to get down to business, North Bellmore School District Board of Education trustees, administrators and the public were treated to a musical delight. The district’s sixth grade Festival Band opened the March 13 meeting at Martin Avenue Elementary School with a pair of songs.

The performance celebrated Music in Our Schools Month and the district’s commitment to music education. The Festival Band includes sixth graders from all five elementary schools and is directed by Skylar Berkley and Christopher D’Orio.

“This talented group of musicians represents the dedication, perseverance and enthusiasm that make our district so special,” said Saw Mill Road Elementary School Assistant Principal Daniel Madden, administrative liaison to the music program. “Through every note they play, these students showcase not only their musical growth but also their ability to collaborate and rise to new challenges – skills that will serve them far beyond the classroom. Their journey is a testament to the power of the arts in shaping confident, passionate learners who are ready to make their mark on the world.”

Under the direction of Mr. D’Orio, the band played “Royal Crown March.” Ms. Berkley then led the ensemble in “Alpha Squadron.”

Superintendent Marie Testa recognized all of the district’s music teachers and noted that the program supports the mission of developing well-rounded students. She added that the performance reflects the joy and value that music brings to people’s lives.

“North Bellmore has an exemplary music education program,” she said. “We want to celebrate our students and our teachers.”


Click here to view the Festival Band Delights Audience at BOE Meeting slideshow.


Date Added: 3/18/2025

Vocab Contest Boosts Spanish Language Skills

Student group photo. thumbnail264708
Student group photo. thumbnail264709

To build their Spanish vocabulary, fifth and sixth graders at Newbridge Road Elementary School and throughout the North Bellmore School District participated in a competition.  

During their Spanish language courses, which are held once per six-day cycle, students had to answer questions about the weather, day of the week and date. The faster they answered, the more points they got. Students were also rewarded for their use of other Spanish vocabulary words.  

At the end of the February, Kristen Giris announced the class winners at each building. During her visit to Newbridge Road on Feb. 28, she gave the good news to Paige Becker’s fifth graders and presented them with a trophy. 

Ms. Giris said the competition helped student reinforce their knowledge of days of the weeks, months, numbers and weather terminology. Students will begin a new contest that will focus on other topics and vocabular words that will last until the end of the school year. North Bellmore’s Spanish program includes instruction for fourth, fifth and sixth graders.


Date Added: 3/6/2025

Principal’s Read-Alouds Inspire Dreamers at Newbridge Road

Principal welcoming students into office. thumbnail263920
Principal welcoming students into office. thumbnail263921
Principal welcoming students into office. thumbnail263922

A generation ago, getting called to the principal’s office might have brought some nerves, but in modern times it’s a positive and welcoming place at Newbridge Road Elementary School. 

By moving some furniture and creating more open space, the office of Principal Amanda Licci is now known as Mrs. Licci’s Lair. The name is based on the school mascot, Thunder the Tiger, who, if students look close enough, can be found there in slumber.   

Throughout January, Ms. Licci has been inviting each class to the lair for a read aloud of “Maybe” by Kobi Yamada. The book emphasizes the endless potential in everyone. She chose it not only because of its message, but because the book appeals to students from kindergarten to sixth grade. The few words have deep meaning, while the vibrant illustrations support the message. 


While reading the book, Ms. Licci engages students in conversations about their hopes, wishes and dreams. She wants students to understand that their “maybes” can come true with hard work and determination. Inspirational signs around her office like “Everything is Possible” and “Dream Big, Aim High” reinforce the message.   

The principal’s office read alouds have been received well by both students and teachers. Fifth graders in Karen Barrins’ class created a large poster, thanking Ms. Licci and sharing their dreams. Karen Buran’s sixth graders each wrote individual letters about ways the book impacted them.   

After each read aloud ended, Ms. Licci gifted the class a copy of “Maybe.” She added that this initiative reinforces that the school is a community of readers.  

Date Added: 1/30/2025


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