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Our mission is to inspire all students to be confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity, while contributing to our global community with creativity and compassion.


JGD Students Spread Sunshine to Mom

Third graders in Celeste Diogo’s class thumbnail258239
Third graders in Celeste Diogo’s class thumbnail258240
Third grader in Celeste Diogo’s class thumbnail258241
Third graders in Celeste Diogo’s class thumbnail258242
Third grader in Celeste Diogo’s class thumbnail258243

To show gratitude to their moms, third graders in Celeste Diogo’s class at John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School planted sunflowers and made a craft, which they brought home for Mother’s Day.

By planting sunflower seeds in cups of dirt, children got a hands-on lesson in the life cycle of plants. They kept the sprouting sunflowers on the classroom window sill, covered with plastic soda bottles to preserve moisture for the plants. Students and their moms will be able to transfer the plants to their home gardens.

They also made a sunflower craft out of paper plates, yellow strips of paper around the edge and crumpled up brown tissue paper in the center representing the seeds.

Date Added: 5/10/2024