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Our mission is to inspire all students to be confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity, while contributing to our global community with creativity and compassion.

Current News

Microscopes Spark Scientific Discovery

Young scientists got a close-up look at the smallest components of life during a lesson on cell systems at John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School. thumbnail264764

Young scientists got a close-up look at the smallest components of life during a lesson on cell systems at John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School. Sixth graders worked in small teams and used microscopes to view different kinds of cells. 

Teacher Jim O’Brien said that students have been studying cell theory and learning about the different parts of plant and animal cells. Through the microscopes, they viewed the cells of leaves, grass and organisms in pond water.  

“It brings it to life for them,” Mr. O’Brien said. “All of the sudden, it’s no longer just a picture in a book.” 

He added that the process allowed students to assume the role of scientists in conducting an experiment, recording observations and discussing their findings with each other. The sixth graders worked on their microscope skills by learning how to focus on a specimen, switch objective lenses and create their own slides.


Click here to view the Microscopes Spark Scientific Discovery slideshow.


Date Added: 3/11/2025


Vocab Contest Boosts Spanish Language Skills

Student group photo. thumbnail264708
Student group photo. thumbnail264709

To build their Spanish vocabulary, fifth and sixth graders at Newbridge Road Elementary School and throughout the North Bellmore School District participated in a competition.  

During their Spanish language courses, which are held once per six-day cycle, students had to answer questions about the weather, day of the week and date. The faster they answered, the more points they got. Students were also rewarded for their use of other Spanish vocabulary words.  

At the end of the February, Kristen Giris announced the class winners at each building. During her visit to Newbridge Road on Feb. 28, she gave the good news to Paige Becker’s fifth graders and presented them with a trophy. 

Ms. Giris said the competition helped student reinforce their knowledge of days of the weeks, months, numbers and weather terminology. Students will begin a new contest that will focus on other topics and vocabular words that will last until the end of the school year. North Bellmore’s Spanish program includes instruction for fourth, fifth and sixth graders.


Date Added: 3/6/2025

Winter 2025 Newsletter Now Available

Date Added: 3/3/2025


Cardboard Arcade Opens at Dinkelmeyer

Second graders a John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School used basic supplies to make exciting games. thumbnail264565
Second graders a John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School used basic supplies to make exciting games. thumbnail264566
Second graders a John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School used basic supplies to make exciting games. thumbnail264567
In the spirit of Caine’s Arcade, second graders a John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School used basic supplies to make exciting games.

Students watched “Caine’s Arcade,” a 2012 documentary about a boy who made a cardboard arcade at his father’s auto parts store. Inspired by this, Dinkelmeyer second graders then got to work on their own games.

Teacher Jennifer Kafka said that students had to come up with a concept for a game as well as the rules. During the engineering design process, they created sketches and identified materials they would need. After bringing in supplies from home, students worked together to build, test and tinker.

All of the games were set up in the cafeteria and students from the school were invited to come in and play. The project was a great way for students to use their creativity and stretch the limits of their imaginations, while also promoting compassion, friendship and kindness.

SCOPE Summer Enrichment

Date Added: 2/28/2025
