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Our mission is to inspire all students to be confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity, while contributing to our global community with creativity and compassion.

Current News

A Half-Millennium of Service Saluted in North Bellmore

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The end of the school year will mark the end of successful careers for 18 staff members in the North Bellmore School District. The board of education honored its departing teachers and support staff at their June 13 meeting for their steadfast devotion to children.

The 18 retirees collectively totaled 484 years of service. Their time in North Bellmore spanned from a decade to nearly 40 years. Superintendent Marie Testa commended them for their hard work and dedication in support of the district’s mission and vision. She said their careers will be remembered for the love they showed students.

“All that you did for children will come back to you,” Ms. Testa told the retirees as she wished them happy and healthy retirements. There were also congratulatory remarks from North Bellmore Teachers Association President Joann Signorelli and North Bellmore Paraprofessionals Association President Lisa Basbin.

Retiring teachers include Gayle Angert (24 years), Desiree Behr (25 years), Tim Byrne (33 years), Chris DaRold (32 years), Celeste Diogo (38 years), Dana Hirsch (37 years), Laura Horvath (34 years), Jean Patterson (21 years), Robyn McClellan (20 years), Christine South (23 years) and Kristin Sturniolo (31 years).

Support staff included Laurie Weintraub (34 years) from the Prevention Department, paraprofessionals Maryann Adams (25 years), Geralyn Delaney (20 years), Sandra Goldsmith (22 years), Lynn Paolillo (23 years) and Rose Salerno (10 years), and custodian Joseph Lombardo (32 years).

Each month, sixth grade leaders from one of the five elementary schools begins the board meeting with a presentation. This month, student speakers from John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School paid tribute to the retirees, before the presentations to honor each individual began.

Date Added: 6/18/2024

Artists Dazzle at District Exhibition

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The North Bellmore School District held its annual district art show on May 21. Student work from the five elementary schools was featured at the evening exhibition, which was held in Newbridge Road Elementary School’s cafeteria.

There were drawings, paintings, sculptures and mixed media projects on display, created by students from kindergarten through sixth grade. The work was a sampling of projects created throughout the school year and showcased the various artistic techniques students have learned.

Artwork was completed under the direction of Jillian Bock at John G. Dinkelmeyer and Park Avenue elementary schools, Erica Farley at Martin Avenue and Newbridge Road elementary schools and Amy Lopez at Saw Mill Road Elementary School.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 6/3/2024

Annual Track Meet Brings Together Sixth Graders

North Bellmore students running track. thumbnail258918

It will be a couple of years before the soon-to-be graduates of the North Bellmore School District are circling the halls of Mepham High School, but on May 20, they got to circle the track. Students from all five elementary schools gathered on the sunny spring day for the annual sixth grade track meet.

The event, which was coordinated by the physical education teachers, featured a mix of short- and long-distance races. It ranged from 50 meters to 800 meters, which was two full laps around the track. After four-person relay races, the day concluded with field events such as discus, javelin, long jump and shot put.

Students wore their school Class of 2024 shirts. In just a few months, they will be unified under one roof at Grand Avenue Middle School, and the track meet was an opportunity to meet their future classmates.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 5/30/2024

Newbridge Artists Lend Talents to Beautification Projects

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Newbridge Artists Lend Talents to Beautification Projects thumbnail258451
Newbridge Artists Lend Talents to Beautification Projects thumbnail258452

A tree has sprouted inside of Newbridge Road Elementary School, a legacy artwork project that students and staff hope will remain for a long time.

As the school approached its 100th anniversary celebration, the Beautification Club worked on a new mural in the hallway outside of the main office. Under the direction of art teacher Erica Farley, fifth and sixth graders painted the tree trunk and branches during recess sessions over several weeks.

Ultimately, all Newbridge Road students will contribute to the project by adding their handprints as the leaves. Ms. Farley said the plan is to have each grade level do their handprints in a different color.

“One hundred years from now, hopefully it will still be here,” Ms. Farley said, adding that she is very proud of the students for their hard work.

This is the third project undertaken this year by the new Beautification Club, which has about 45 members from the fifth and sixth grades. They created a courtyard mural of the school’s tiger mascot and made four “Paws Places” on the blacktop outside, which are paw prints that students can go to when they need to take a pause. That project was done in partnership with the Tiger Club.

Ms. Farley said that the Beautification Club has been very busy in its inaugural year and students have been excited to contribute their ideas and talents.

“The goal is to beautify the school, create a sense of community and give students more opportunities in the arts,” she said.

Date Added: 5/15/2024