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Our mission is to inspire all students to be confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity, while contributing to our global community with creativity and compassion.

Current News

Principal’s Read-Alouds Inspire Dreamers at Newbridge Road

Principal welcoming students into office. thumbnail263920
Principal welcoming students into office. thumbnail263921
Principal welcoming students into office. thumbnail263922

A generation ago, getting called to the principal’s office might have brought some nerves, but in modern times it’s a positive and welcoming place at Newbridge Road Elementary School. 

By moving some furniture and creating more open space, the office of Principal Amanda Licci is now known as Mrs. Licci’s Lair. The name is based on the school mascot, Thunder the Tiger, who, if students look close enough, can be found there in slumber.   

Throughout January, Ms. Licci has been inviting each class to the lair for a read aloud of “Maybe” by Kobi Yamada. The book emphasizes the endless potential in everyone. She chose it not only because of its message, but because the book appeals to students from kindergarten to sixth grade. The few words have deep meaning, while the vibrant illustrations support the message. 


While reading the book, Ms. Licci engages students in conversations about their hopes, wishes and dreams. She wants students to understand that their “maybes” can come true with hard work and determination. Inspirational signs around her office like “Everything is Possible” and “Dream Big, Aim High” reinforce the message.   

The principal’s office read alouds have been received well by both students and teachers. Fifth graders in Karen Barrins’ class created a large poster, thanking Ms. Licci and sharing their dreams. Karen Buran’s sixth graders each wrote individual letters about ways the book impacted them.   

After each read aloud ended, Ms. Licci gifted the class a copy of “Maybe.” She added that this initiative reinforces that the school is a community of readers.  

Date Added: 1/30/2025

District Boasts 28 All-County Musicians

28 students that have been selected to participate in this month’s All-County Music Festival thumbnail263511

The North Bellmore School District is proud to announce that 28 students have been selected to participate in this month’s All-County Music Festival, hosted by the Nassau Music Educators Association. Fifth and sixth grade musicians from the band, chorus and orchestra were selected based on their NYSSMA solo performance scores and teacher recommendations.

Ensemble rehearsals take place at schools throughout the county during the weeks of Jan. 6 and Jan. 13. Weekend concerts are held at the LIU Post Tilles Center. 

Congratulations to the following musicians on their All-County selections:

John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School – Band: Ethan Andreau and Nicholas Truglio; Chorus: Jake Duverneau, Charlotte Giannetta, Brooke Murphy, Elliot Renz and Brooke Sheehan; Orchestra: Arianna Lettieri and Alayna Mangels.

Martin Avenue Elementary School – Orchestra: Isabelle Dang.

Newbridge Road Elementary School – Band: Elianna Lopez; Chorus: Nina Cannistraci, Henry Cohen, Marion Chelsea De Jesus and Kyra Devlin; Orchestra: Lauren Corace.

Park Avenue Elementary School – Band: Andrew Udilovich; Chorus: Marco Artale, Xcenia Benden, Veronica Calise, Elianna Macaluso and Micah Millington; Orchestra: Temitayo Otuyemi.

Saw Mill Road Elementary School – Band: Frank Figueiredo; Chorus: Rebecca David, Isabella Rodriguez and Eliana Weissman; Orchestra: Mariam Subhan.

The students learn under the direction of music teachers Skylar Berkley, Christopher D’Orio, Maritza Lopez, Ed McCullagh, Carol Ng, Alexander Roff, Patrice Ryan and Lisa Uckardes.


Click here to view the District Boasts 28 All-County Musicians slideshow.

Date Added: 1/8/2025