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Mission Statement

Our mission is to inspire all students to be confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity, while contributing to our global community with creativity and compassion.

Special Education


Mr. Howie Bernstein
Interim Director of Special Education and Student Support Services
516-992-3000 ext. 3004
District Instagram: @NBUFSDPride

Special Education Department Clerical Staff


Mrs. Kim Cavanagh- CPSE Services

(516) 992-3000 ext. 3012


Ms. Lisa Danz

(516) 992-3000 ext. 3016


Mrs. Jennifer Pelini

(516) 992-3000 ext. 3013


The North Bellmore Union Free School District provides a full range of special education services including: Consultant Teacher services, Resource Room support, and Inclusion Classes, to help children in general education classes access the curriculum. Self-Contained classes are also available for students requiring a more structured, special education environment. Speech/Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Counseling are also available to students who require these services. The Committee on Special Education (CSE), which includes the student's parents, regular education teacher, special education teacher, related service providers, a school psychologist, a parent member advocate, and the school physician (upon request), meets to determine the eligibility of each student who is referred to the CSE. Parents are included in all phases of the CSE process, including placement decisions and the development of educational goals. Parents who believe that their children require special education services should discuss their concerns with the classroom teacher who can guide them through the CSE referral process.

Any parent who suspects that their child (3 years to 12 years) may have a learning, behavioral, or medical problem, which could significantly impact their child's ability to perform in school, has a right to a free evaluation through the Committee on Special Education or Committee on Preschool Special Education. To request this evaluation, contact the principal of your child's school or the Director of Special Education. Parents of children from birth to 3 years old may obtain testing through the Nassau County Early Intervention Program, (516) 571-3749.

Any resident who has a child between the ages of 3 and 5 years, who is disabled or whom they suspect is disabled, should contact the Director of Special Education. Based upon the nature of the suspected disability, parents are referred to the appropriate Nassau County evaluation site. If the evaluation indicates that services are required, they will be provided. In addition, this process provides the school district with valuable information as we develop plans to meet the needs of our future kindergarteners.

Special education/special needs questions and suggestions should be directed to:
Step 1: Classroom teacher/special education teacher, if not resolved
Step 2: Building Principal, if not resolved
Step 3: Mrs. Leyna Malone, Executive Director of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education, if not resolved
Step 4: Mrs. Marie Testa, Superintendent of Schools