Reading was front and center at Saw Mill Road Elementary School and throughout the North Bellmore School District, which celebrated the 16th annual World Read Aloud Day on Feb. 7.
Principal Jeffrey Rosof and Assistant Principal Daniel Madded shared “The Reflection in Me,” written by Marc Colagiovanni and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds, for the monthly principal’s read aloud. After reading the book at a pair of assemblies, they discussed the themes of self-love and self-acceptance with students. Each class was then gifted a mirror as a way of remembering the book’s message.
Mr. Rosof said the book was recommended by librarian Laura Stasi.
“Mr. Madden and I selected this book because it has a beautiful and profound message,” he said. “Often, these picture books share messages that can resonatewith all ages. It is supremely important to me that all Saw Mill Road citizens feel good about who they are.Hopefully, sharing this story helped with this.”
Reading activities took place in classrooms throughout the day. Chrissie Migliano read “Henny” to her fourth graders. The book about the chicken with arms is about accepting and embracing each other’s differences.
Patricia Graham’s kindergartners were visited by sixth graders frm Danielle Houghton’s class for buddy reading. The classes get together once a week for various activities. For World Read Aloud Day, the kindergartners and sixth graders took turns reading to each other.
“It makes me feel good because it makes my buddy smile when I read to them,” sixth grader Kyle Peponakis said.
His classmate, Sila Asif, added that is very rewarding to assist the kindergartners in their quest to become better readers and learn new words.
Click here to view the Saw Mill Road’s Worldly Readers Share Stories Together slideshow.
Date Added: 2/14/2025